Five tips to help you maintain good health during summer

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If summer had to be assigned an emotion, the first suggestion would probably be happiness. Clear skies, balmy weather, and abundant sunshine just evoke a sense of positivity as compared to the grey skies on a rainy day or chilling breeze on a winter morning. Summer then proves to be the ideal time to soak in vitamin D, indulge in outdoor activities, and make the most of the warm weather. On the flip side though, summer also means excessive sweating and exhaustion!

Fret not though, because there are some easy ways to tackle these issues and become the best version of yourself. What’s more, we’ve been confined to our homes far too long now and it’s finally time to enjoy the outdoors once more. Take a cue from our curated list of health tips and make the most of the sunny weather.

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of staying hydrated. Take pride in calling yourself a water guzzler and motivate colleagues, friends, family to do the same. If plain water is too boring, add a slice of lime, cucumber, or some mint leaves (pudina), as flavor-infused water is a great way to detox. Want to get creative? Try a slice of watermelon or sweet lime with a few ice cubes, and you may find yourself enjoying this healthy drink every single day!

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1. Studies show that when people spend time outdoors, their heart rates and blood pressure improve. So why not get some early morning sun and indulge in an outdoor activity of your liking? Set aside at least 45 minutes of your time, and most importantly, be consistent. Be it cycling, running, swimming, power yoga, or kickboxing – get your pulse racing and enjoy the adrenaline rush.

2. It is equally important to protect your skin and hair from the wrath of summer. Sweating can make your scalp greasy and your skin prone to acne. Make sure to wash your face with a suitable soap or face wash 2-3 times a day and simply splash water as often as possible. Here’s another quick fix: take a big vessel half-filled with water, put a lot of ice cubes in it, and dip your face in the water. This will help your skin breathe and you will feel instantly rejuvenated.

Contrary to popular belief around keeping greasiness at bay, do not wash your hair too often. This strips your hair of its natural lipids and the scalp secretes an excess amount of oil, making it sticky. Also, avoid using shampoos with a high chemical quotient, and opt for Ayurvedic alternatives instead. Hair cleansers that have soapnuts(shikakai), curry leaves, etc., can work wonders for your mane. Stick to simple coconut oil, apply it a night prior. Wash it off the next morning, and see the results for yourself.

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3. Studies show that a healthy lifestyle is 40 percent exercise and 60 percent diet. So, while you concentrate on burning those calories, also be mindful of what you eat every day. Opt for a light and clean diet in summers. Our bodies don’t need the heat that comes from meat as it does during winters. Include more fruits, veggies, fresh juices, nuts, and a few dairy items in your daily diet. Eat small and more frequent meals. Refrain from having tea and coffee; go for green tea or flavor-infused water instead. Take a look at our Slim Body by Ayurveda program to get in better shape this summer.

4. Don’t underestimate the power of good sleep, especially in our fast-paced city lives. Let’s accept the fact that we are perpetually running. Running for meetings, running to finish deadlines, running errands…the list is endless. Make sure to get a good six to eight hours of sleep and avoid screen time 45 minutes prior to sleeping. Do some light reading instead. Keep windows open for natural ventilation and ensure the room is dark. Do explore our Ayurveda Stress and Strain Buster program that helps you take your mind off day-to-day stress.

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